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What we believe

God - The Holy Trinity

There is only one God, who exists eternally in three distinct but equal persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He is immortal, eternal, and perfectly and exhaustively knows the end from the beginning. He is unchangeable in his holiness, justice, wisdom and love. He is the almighty Creator; Saviour and Judge, sovereign in the election, salvation and preservation of his people in Christ. God is sovereign over all things, both good and evil; though, he is not the author of evil, nor does he delight in it.


For historical and wider explanations of these you can read The Apostles, Nicene & Athanasian Creeds, The Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion & The Jerusalem Statement and Declaration. 


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Rev'd David Martin


Mr Hylton Banks

In addition to the senior leadership, CCND is also served by a number of other teams.  These include:

CCND Safeguarding Panel

CCND Sunday Kids Team

Stewardship Council

CCND Sunday Praise Team

Who We Are: About Us
Sceptics, seekers & those already sure are all equally welcome

In October 2019 a group of interested people met to discuss the need and possibility for a new church in the D13 area.  Out of that evening a small launch team from various churches was gathered and began prayerfully working on this new venture.  Then Covid hit.  Rather than postpone our plans however, we decided to accelerate them.  We began "meeting virtually" 4 months sooner than expected.  However since October 2021 we've been meeting in person and God has been adding new people who themselves are at different stages in their interest in Christianity.  It is a delight to welcome everyone as we together seek to point each other to Jesus and the ways he is transforming all our lives in CCND to be more like his.



There are a number of ways outside of our Sunday gathering when we seek to grow in our trust of Jesus Christ in our daily and weekly lives together.  These include


Monthly Prayer Meeting

Christianity is about a relationship with God, as our Heavenly Father, made possible by the work of his Son, Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit, and one of the most powerful and natural ways to build that relationships is through the simple act of prayer.


CCND Women's Group
The Christian life is full of joys and challenges and we aim to set up specific groups that can enter into these experiences in a heartfelt and understanding way.  CCND Women's group meet twice a month, usually on a Thursday morning, to discover more about the God of the Bible and how He works in all things for our good.


CCND Men's Group
This group meets once a month, typically on a Saturday morning.  Over coffee and breakfast the men in CCND dig into some of the issues confronting them as Christians in the world today.

CCND Kids on Sunday

 We have a specific Sunday activities for  children in Montessori through to the end of primary school.  At Christ Church North Dublin we aim to share life together, and together invite anyone and everyone to join us, as we live in the light of the future already secured for the world by Jesus.  

In addition to this we run the occasional Tuesday evening for 4th, 5th & 6th class called "Salt" twice a month in Howth Presbyterian Church Hall 


We are also excited to be part of a youth ministry called 'Rooted' which meets every Friday evening in Malahide Presbyterian Church Halls from 7.30pm.



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