We're a family and seek to provide a balanced menu that will allow us to grow and mature in our relationships with one another as we grow in our relationship with our loving Heavenly Father, by the power of His Spirit, into the likeness of Jesus, His Son.
One of the most important ways to build any relationship is by talking. This is the essence of prayer. In CCND we recognise there are no experts and that we need each other to encourage one another in this. As we prioritise our prayer life together our relationships grow. We normally gather once a month on the first Wednesday.

Community Groups
Church is more than just a Sunday gathering. It is about encouraging one another grow, supporting one another in difficulty and sharing our lives as they are changed by God's word. For everyone in CCND, these groups are where you will have real opportunities to live out your faith in Jesus.
CAP - Money Budgeting Course for Everyone
As a church we want to give support and care to all in our local area. We therefore run a course called CAP - (Christians Against Poverty www.capireland.ie) a money budgeting course for everyone to help you manage your money more effectively. Our next course will run from mid January. For more information contact hylton@christchurchnorthdublin.com

Women's Ministry
In CCND there is a variety of ministries aimed at applying the gospel to specific groups. CCND ministry meets at various times with various groups including a 'mums and tots' Bible Study (Wednesday mornings) and a Senior Ladies Group (Thursday mornings). We want to encourage everyone to grow whatever stage they find themselves in life or faith. Get in touch for more information.

Men's Ministry
The men in CCND aim to get together regularly - roughly once a month to clarify what it means for them to have faith in Jesus. Taking Jesus seriously in our marriages, families, jobs and study is so difficult and so this multi-generational gathering of men brings encouragement and focus to our faith.