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Psalm 19

So far there’s been a certain amount of logic. Because the Bible is God’s words, it is utterly reliable, needs to be read with spiritual minds, and is essential food. The logic continues. If these are God’s words and God is good, then it follows that His words won’t just bring weighty truth—but also deliver deep, satisfying joy. 

Which is why my uncle’s face lights up when he talks about the Bible. He doesn’t like reading, hardly ever reads a book—and yet every day, without fail, he will devour great chunks of the Bible. He loves his Bible because he loves his God. 

What’s good about the Bible? 

Read Psalm 19

The first 6 verses aren’t about the Bible at all—they are about a silent sermon God preaches every day to everyone. There are a few things you can understand about God without words: 

But in v 7-11 we come to God’s perfect revelation. And it’s here the psalmist really warms to his theme. He’s not just stating truths about God’s word—catch his enthusiasm as you reread the verses! 

  • How would you describe to someone what David thinks of God’s word? 

  • What use is the Bible, according to this psalm? Make a list from v 7, 8, 11

Do you see why the Bible fills those who receive it with joy? The psalmist isn’t just being enthusiastic, as you might get excited about the latest book you’ve read, or film you’ve seen. It’s not just a fascinating story to thoroughly enjoy. It has ‘soul substance.’ It satisfies deep down. 

It satisfies


  • Where have you tried to find satisfaction? How would you describe the results? 

  • Why do you think God’s words can bring a quality of satisfaction that cannot be found in the activities, things or relationships we pursue n this world? 

Do you now begin to see that v 8, 10 is no exaggeration? It’s not that every time we open the Bible we get an amazing experience—but the truth in the Bible has the power to set us free, and gives us a joy that no one can rob us of. 



Praise God for the privilege and joy of being given His life-giving word to renew, refresh and guide you. Finish by praying verse 14.

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